This is the guy that coined the term MOOC (?). Discusses 'communities of practice'.
Learning is like weeds? Weeds follow their own paths. Learning especially in Internet age follows this pattern.
Teaching rhizomatically... Opening the curriculum. Messy networks. Real networks are messy. They are not tidy.
(Learning on MAPP is like this. Assessment via reflective journals, etc. attempt to assess this type of learning.)
Dave talks about using a Learner Contract. Sounds like he negotiates work with the student
Measuring learning? The fact that you need to do it, doesn't make it possible. Does everything we do need to be measurable? Things that we care about aren't things that we can measure.
Question by Steve Wheeler, Plymouth Uni. This doesn't suit all learners? Suited to certain types of learning. Very relevant for Masters level learning, and applicable to MAPP.
I put together a short presentation relfecting on my experiences at BETT, and this talk in particular, that can be viewed here.
I put together a short presentation relfecting on my experiences at BETT, and this talk in particular, that can be viewed here.