Monday, 16 February 2015

How do I make time for studying?!

A quick confession [I had orginally written 'A quick rant...' I decided this was more of a confession than a rant]... In an earlier post, I asked 'How will I learn?'. In that, I noted that I would find it difficult to create the time and space to prioritise the work I needed to do for this course. And it has come to pass.

Occasionally I am asked, typically by one of the students on the MAPP, 'how is your course going...?'. I am usually reluctant to answer as I am very much aware that I am doing very little work that is dedicated studying or the course. Yes, I am spending much of my time reflecting on various aspects of t-eL as part of preparing and delivering courses that involve t-eL, and in seeking to validate a fully distance learning MSc course, but this does not include reading and writing that directly forms part of my coursework.

If nothing else, I now have a greater empathy for students on the MAPP, many of whom are in full-time employment, have families, and are studying in their 'spare' time. It is a challenge.

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