Friday, 20 March 2015

The Positive Psychology People

Today is the UN International Day of Happiness. So be happy... If only it were that simple! We know it's not, and the area of psychology that I am most involved in is 'positive psychology' which is dedicated to the scientific study of topics such as happiness, wellbeing, flourishing, and so on.

The reason I mention this here is today has also seen the launch of a new website,, that aims to promote positive psychology around the world. The website has been developed by a small team, of whom a number are some of our first cohort of MAPP graduates who completed the MAPP in 2014. It is therefore a project that has very much grown out of the MAPP, and something that we are keen to see develop and grow.

As I learn more about the concept of 'communities of practice' (e.g., Wenger, 1998), I am wondering if 'The Positive Psychology People' (also on twitter as @ThePPPeople) is something that might, in time, form the basis of a community of practice for positive psychology in general, and our students and graduates in particular. More on this in later posts.


Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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