If all goes to plan, then the assessors will have first read the 'Reflective Journal: Supporting Narrative' document accessed via my PGCert Blackboard (Bb) organisation (only available to enrolled users on Bb). I have also made this available to view via issuu.com here. Reading that document will have brought them here if they have chosen to follow the links as intended. :-)
The idea is that this blog forms a central part of the Reflective Journal that constitutes the summative assessment for the PGCert. It is intended to capture, or dare I say, 'reflect', the learning journey over the course of the PGCert running from October 2014 to July 2015. You, of course, will be the judge of how effectively it does that. If you want to get a sense of that journey as it unfolds (if you really haven't something more pressing to do!) then use the Blog Archive to find earlier posts and follow it through. Alternatively, scroll through as you see fit and see where it takes you. As Dave Cormier (the man who I believe coined the term 'MOOC') might say, let the journey be 'rhizomatic'!
As is the case with blogs, there is space to add your own comments below any of the blog posts here and I very much welcome comments, questions, thoughts, and feedback. I have learnt much during the PGCert, a large proportion of which has been over the last few weeks, as I have attempted to bring things together and discovered more about using such varied technologies as Issuu, Periscope, Padlet, and so on.
Anyhow, enough of the small talk. Go and explore :-)
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